10 May 2010


Exercise 2
Monday 11th May - Monday 17th May

"A section represents a vertical plane cut through the object."
A fictitious section unfolds multiple readings of the cut object.

"Sections are used to describe the relationship between different levels of a building."
Fictitious sections are used to describe synthetic associations between building components.

"Geometrically, a section is a horizontal orthographic projection of a building onto a vertical plane, with the vertical plane cutting through the building."
Geometrically, a fictitious section attempts to fabricate narratives, negotiates artificiality, and confronts authenticity.
All quotations from Wikipedia

The premise of this exercise is that buildings are largely shaped by a dynamic flow of interrelated programmatic, structural, communicative, and atmospheric tones. The correlation of parts introduces a constant dialogue, generating systematic dependencies. During the course of the week, students shall test the nature of possible interfaces between their generated envelope and its various formal settings within the proposed building layout. This exercise focuses on the development of form to intelligent formations and building systems. The investigations are structured in such a way that aesthetic assumptions are tested and developed as an integral part of the building design process. Fictitious sections are extracted from the digital model, crafted through an assembly of line work / line types, and deployed as representational agendas.

Discussions /
- Bits of Buildings, Tuesday, 11th May, 10:00
- Atrium Typology, Thursday, 13th May, Friday, 14th May, 10:00

Submission /
- Draft Pin up, Friday, 14th May, Saturday, 15th May, 10:00
- Final Pin up, Monday, 17th May, 13:00, 10:00

Deliverables /
- 2 x A1 boards, portrait, landscape, mounted on 5 mm foam board, color

- 2 x Sections scale / 1:200
- 1 x Ground Floor plan including context / diagrammatic / 1:500
- 2 x Floor plans including / diagrammatic / 1:500
- 3 x Previous architectural scenes

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