9 May 2010


Exercise 1
Friday 7th May – Monday 10th May
Upper section by Jennifer Bonner. Lower section by Volkan Alkanoglu.

The first exercise of the design workshop introduces intelligent systems and imposes various narratives into the architectural project. As a continuation on the programmatic and formal design approach from the previous workshops, this design sequence will focus on the development of tectonic, spatial, and informative aspects.
Narrative devices shall be used to speculate about the following parameters: program, material, structure, circulation, detail, and spatial differences. By creating a constant dialogue between the digital model and these specific parameters, a sequential journey can be calculated and developed by way of the storyline.
Develop six architectural scenes at key moments in the project which expose the previously mentioned embedded parameters. Motivation for narrative can be highly generic, highly personal or highly exhaustive.
This is not an assignment about collage, but a mechanism for understanding skin versus interiority, articulation of surfaces, programmatic insertions, and volumetric progression.

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